The desktop version of the website and the mobile version of the TRENT App are the property of Ente Opera Universitaria, with registered office in via della Malpensada n. 82/A, 38123 Trento, tax code 80003390228 - VAT number 00453340226, hereinafter referred to as "Owner".


TRent is a showcase created with the aim of simplifying the meeting between supply and demand between university students and future students looking for accommodation and property owners in Trento and Rovereto (small landlords, university colleges, property managers and brokers).

On the website it is possible to publish and search for advertisements relating to the rental of properties, beds, rooms or flats, whose final recipients are exclusively identified as university students already enrolled and those in the process of enrolling.


The portal is aimed at the following users: University students already enrolled or in the process of enrolment; Small landlords: private tenants; University colleges; Professional operators.


The advertisements in TRent can be consulted without registering; however, registration is required to gain full access to the website's functions and to contact property owners.

Registration gives those who use the website the status of User. This status includes both university students (or prospective students) who are looking for accommodation and those who provide properties for temporary or multi-year rental.

As far as the student is concerned, registration is subject to completion of the online form, acceptance of the terms relating to privacy, self-declaration of status as a student or future student and the "Guidelines" document.

As far as small private owners are concerned, registration requires filling in the online form, acceptance of the privacy terms and of the document "Guidelines".

As far as professional operators are concerned, registration involves filling in the online form, acceptance of the terms relating to privacy, the document "Guidelines".

In accordance with the provisions of the law (Chapter V of Presidential Decree 445/2000), the Authority will carry out sample checks on registrations to the portal.


Through the TRent site, the "Student" User can:

without registration, access and browse through the advertisements offered; with registration, access the contacts relating to the advertisements; leave feedback on the property; receive feedback after using the accommodation.


The "Owner" User or Manager, i.e. small landlords, university colleges, property managers and intermediaries, may

place advertisements for rental properties of various types (flats, rooms, beds, penthouses, houses); contact the applicant following the latter's request for information; search for the applicant in the portal, through a function - student search - which allows to view all the reviews received; receive feedback on the services offered.

Registration on TRent's website is not allowed under the age of 18.

Registration is open, free and can be done at any time, without time limits.


Students can leave reviews about the flat by filling in the following fields: initial state of the property; compliance with the rules; meaning, for example, conditions of the rental contract or house rules; ad compliance.

The owner will be able to give feedback on the student, expressing an opinion on the following fields: state of the flat; willingness to engage in dialogue; compliance with the rules; e.g. conditions of the rental contract or house rules.

In addition, on both the student and landlord side, it will be possible to enter free comments in accordance with the rules set out in this document. All evaluations, both on the student and landlord side, will be public and can be seen by all those who, in their reciprocal statuses, register on the portal.


Consulting the ads is free.

The insertion of advertisements is free of charge for small property owners and, for the first year of the project, also for all other operators in the sector. Once the start-up and test phase of the project has been completed, the possibility of requesting a contribution from professional operators for the management and updating of the portal will be evaluated.

The economic negotiation linked to the actual rental of a property is unrelated to the purpose of the portal, whose purpose is exclusively to establish contact between student and landlord.

Opera Universitaria, as the owner, remains extraneous to all contractual relationships between users.


Any use of TRent by the User must comply with the rules of public order, mandatory rules and morality and the following conditions.

Illicit use of the TRent site is prohibited; Users may not insert, share, disseminate or publish racist, xenophobic, obscene or denigrating content; insert false or fraudulent content that could mislead the recipients of such information; content that infringes the legislation on the protection of personal data; content that infringes the fundamental rights of third parties in any form; content that is defamatory on grounds of age, sex, religious belief or any other form; publish images that are not relevant to the advertisement; causing damage to TRent's computer systems by introducing or spreading computer viruses or other highly destructive software; Update the information on the site upon completion of each rental agreement.

Update the information on the site upon completion of each rental agreement.

The Owner reserves the right to suspend access to the site in the event of violations of these conditions of use, proceeding, in the event of violations that constitute criminal or administrative offences, to report the alleged violations to the competent authorities.


Provincial Law 9/91 gives Opera Universitaria responsibility for providing assistance services to university students, including accommodation, which is of particular importance in promoting student residence.

In the case of Opera Universitaria, the demand for accommodation from the student community far exceeds the available supply. Due to the lack of owned, rented or contracted accommodation, and due to the limits imposed by current regulations in terms of income and merit requirements, most students seeking accommodation in Trento cannot find a place in Opera's residences, and are forced to resort to the private market.

Current legislation promotes and encourages all initiatives aimed at encouraging student residency. In particular:

The Prime Ministerial Decree of 09 April 2001, art. 9, paragraph 9: The housing service includes all the interventions aimed at facilitating the attendance of university studies by non-resident students through the detection of demand, information on the availability of accommodation, research and supply of accommodation. The regional management bodies provide an advisory service, with adequate publicity, for off-campus students not in receipt of accommodation, for rental contracts with private individuals in collaboration with student, tenant and property associations.

Legislative Decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012, article 13, paragraph 1: The bodies that offer right-to-study services in order to guarantee the satisfaction of the demand of able and deserving students even if they lack means, as well as to promote the attractiveness of the university system, also favour the integrated planning of the availability of public and private accommodation, also through specific agreements with social partners, legally recognised university colleges and the colleges referred to in Article 1, paragraph 603, of Law No. 296 of 27 December 2006.


Opera Universitaria is a body which promotes the right to study and whose main purpose is to offer a wide range of services aimed at supporting the university student population, from accommodation to catering, from culture to sport.

Through this portal Opera intends to simplify the meeting between supply and demand for students looking for accommodation and property owners in the Trentino area, made even more difficult by the current health emergency, by ensuring the clarity and transparency of the information contained in the portal.

For small private landlords only, Opera will check that the ad corresponds to a property actually located at the declared address and equipped with the declared services. 

Once the private owner uploads the advertisement, Opera contacts the landlord to arrange a site inspection.

If the property complies with what is stated in the announcement - in term of the location of the accommodation and the presence of equipment, it will be indicated on the site with an OU sticker. 

If Opera team finds discrepancies between the property and the advertisement, the landlord will be invited to modify the advertisement or to delete it from the portal.

The sticker does not imply, for Opera, the assumption of any responsibility regarding the relationship between user and landlord and any disputes that may arise after the conclusion of the lease.

In the time between the moment in which the advertisement is posted by the private owner and the moment in which the inspection is carried out by Opera, the advertisement will be on the portal without the OU sticker.

Opera undertakes to guarantee the utmost respect for the privacy of the users, through the adoption of all the security measures considered suitable to guarantee the secrecy and confidentiality of personal data, as defined by the laws in force.

For further information, please read the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.


Access to the Site and the App implies compliance with and acceptance of all the conditions of this document.